Certified Professional Yacht Broker

Certified Professional Yacht Broker

Do you know what is required to become a cosmetologist in Florida?
1,200 hours of specialized school training followed by a state exam.

How about a manicurist? 240 hours and a state exam.

Real estate requires 63 hours plus a state exam.

What about a Yacht Broker? Well Florida, California and Virginia are the only states requiring any licensing at all. In the other 47 you can just call yourself a yacht broker. Florida requires you to be working for a yacht brokerage, have no felony convictions and to post a $10,000 bond. Does that even make sense? The process of buying or selling a boat outside of the retail dealership experience is complicated, filled with legal contracts and frequently involves substantial sums of money yet most people are represented by someone who has spent less time training in their profession than their manicurist has. If you believe you are owed the services of a true professional, then I urge you to only work with a yacht broker who takes their job seriously enough to become a CPYB!

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